Trevor Sheffield
‘Hamilton’ makes a satisfying leap to Disney+
'Hamilton' on Disney+ is a theatrical tour de force, marked by the unique choices it makes in telling the story of one of America’s (formerly) lesser known founders.
‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ barely breaks the speed limit
'Sonic the Hedgehog,' for what it’s worth, is a somewhat amusing throwback to the kitsch-y world of 90s family fare, with all that would imply.
‘Cats’ is a traumatizing example of mankind’s hubris
‘Cats’ is a once-in-a-lifetime nightmare wrought in celluloid and digital fur technology. Almost every element to this film outright refuses to work, and yet, it somehow persists.
‘Playmobil: The Movie’ is a choking hazard for the senses
In many ways, ‘Playmobil: The Movie’ is a perfect representation of its source material; it's bland and tells a story whose commercial underpinnings barely try to mask themselves in a veil of self-awareness.
‘Jedi: Fallen Order’ is a harsh, fascinating Star Wars escapade
‘Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’ is a genuinely spellbinding experience that turns its gaze toward one of the darkest, most underexplored turns in the franchise’s history.
Input2 S7 E6
Welcome to this week's episode of Input2! This week we discussed the Heartland Film Festival that took place in Indianapolis on Saturday, October 19. How did this festival hold up to our expectations? What films were shown and were there any that stood out as exceptional? Find out this and more in this week's episode of Input2!
Heartland Film Festival 2019: With ‘Waves,’ A24 has done it again
Let it be known: ‘Waves’ is the kind of movie that makes us remember why we love movies.
Heartland Film Festival 2019: ‘Guest Artist’ is an unrepentant, drunken mess
Barring a decent turn from Jeff Daniels, ‘Guest Artist’ is a genuinely befuddled film, willfully ignorant of the glass house it’s throwing stones at.
Input 2 S7E4 - The Joker Returns!
Welcome to this week's episode of Input 2! This week we talked about the release of the new Joker movie under the direction of Todd Phillips. How does this joker compare to past ones? How did the movie hold up to our expectations? Find out this and more in this week's episode of Input 2!
Be prepared, ‘The Lion King’ is a cinematic headache
With neutered renditions of classic Disney numbers, cringeworthy recreations of iconic moments, and a genuine lack of innovation, let it be known: 'The Lion King (2019)' is bound for financial success...but even Mufasa’s trampled corpse has more life in it.