Meghan Braddy


NAACP Hosts Judicial Forum for Circuit Court 2 Candidates

Muncie’s restaurant Legacy Village opened its doors to judicial candidates Kim Dowling (D) and Andrew Ramirez (R) to provide a space for community members to learn about the candidates in a forum organized by Muncie’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Changes on the Horizon: The Indiana Department of Education proposes new diploma changes for high school students.

The new changes require a base of 42 credits where students are required to complete a series of required courses, including but not limited to seven semesters of English, seven credits of math, seven credits of “science, technology and engineering,” and five social studies credits. Students have the option to pursue “seals” or forms of additional education. The seals are “enrollment,” “enlistment and service” and “employment,” with each seal having an “honors” or “honors plus” option. 
