Kayla Jackson
Back to School Teachers Store provides resource for teachers in Delaware County
Delaware County is one of 48 counties that is home to The Back To School Teachers Store (BTSTS), something store volunteer Joetta Teague said she sees as a valuable resource.
The NFL is coming to Muncie for centennial celebration
The NFL Draft will visit the towns of the original NFL teams, with Muncie being one of them.
Muncie Central National Honor Society recognized for participation in Walk a Mile, community service
Every day after school, Lisa Letsinger, the adviser of Muncie Central Schools’ National Honor Society, sees one NHS member checking the volunteer board to sign up for opportunities to serve his community.
Ball State junior uses speaking talent to 'empower, spark, liberate'
From a young age, Ball State junior Jalen Lee has had a gift for speaking.
Ball State professor opposes MLK keynote speaker’s message
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson’s presentation for Unity Week has drawn a mixed reaction from some of the Ball State community.