Jovi Taylor
Creating change from a dorm room
“Making the presentation was nice to do because I was learning with it as well. It was nice because it doesn’t have anything to do with my major and I'm learning from this just as much as other people” commented Bailey.
New club on campus
King started this club because she wanted a chance to deliberate with her fellow students about music.
Early voting begins
“It’s really important [to vote] because we need people in the house and senate to really represent who we are as a people. If we don’t have any representation it’s really hard to get what we need as a community and a state,” Macklem said.
Batman travels to local schools
“The best part about this job is knowing that when I walk away from the school I’ve left something behind that will impact their lives and change the community for the better. Maybe it’ll save some lives or empower some kids,” Buckland said.