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What's new on campus this year: A look at construction projects on campus

As a Cardinal, you will hear mentions of old buildings and complexes that were once part of Ball State’s campus. The LaFollette Residence complex, or maybe the parking garage north of Woodworth. In the past four to five years, Ball State has taken on several construction and remodeling projects all across campus—easy to be seen on a drive or walk through campus while navigating traffic cones and road closures. The resulting projects are worth the struggle, specifically the North Residential Neighborhood completed in 2021, and the Health Professions Building and Foundational Sciences Building completed in 2019.

Find out if fraternity life is right for you

As an incoming Freshman, it can be a real struggle to find people similar to you to spend time with. Fraternities at Ball State are looking for the next wave of people to join their chapter! Fraternities are an way to meet a lot of people. And, according to those involved, it doesn’t end after graduation — many form friendships that last a lifetime.

Sorority Life: Find out if it's right for you

Over 1,300 Cardinals participate in Fraternity and Sorority Life at Ball State, but for those considering joining, the process can seem confusing and intimidating at first. You might have questions such as “What exactly is FSL?” or “Why should I join?” This article is here to teach you more about specifically sorority life at Ball State, what the benefits are, and the process of joining.

Find Your People at Ball State

Going away to college can feel scary, but there are many ways to form relationships and find a sense of community here at Ball State. 

Cures for the homesick blues

While it may be exciting to move to campus and kick off your college career, it can also come with some unexpected obstacles. After the first month, many people might notice a slight pang in their hearts being far away from home. Homesickness is a nasty bug to catch, and it can be pretty consuming and while there’s no immediate remedy for homesickness, there are some healthy ways to adjust.