Lifestyle 1/16/2018, 3:00pm

Demi's Diems: Of Monsters and War

I hadn’t talked to you much that day, and I won’t lie, I was a little worried. You had been sending me very troubling text messages about how you “couldn’t cope anymore”, and when I reminded you of all the beautiful things in the world, you said it still wasn’t enough to not make you want to die. Still, I sat and talked you through your episode. Because I love you and I’d done it many times before.

Lifestyle 12/6/2017, 11:00am

Musings from Moorman: What Christmastime truly means

 I was walking back from the library late; it was well past midnight. I was listening to some unconventional Christmas music titled “O Magnum Mysterium.” It was a song I played in high school band. A rendition by the Nordic Chamber Choir echoed through my earbuds in the dead of night.  

Lifestyle 11/30/2017, 12:00pm

Finding Beneficence: For Love of Country

Between the times of 6:32 and 6:49 a.m. on Wednesday, President Donald Trump retweeted three videos depicting possible Muslim aggression. One of which involved the beatings and possible murders of two individuals.  

Lifestyle 11/27/2017, 11:58am

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What is the purpose of a tagline?

On Monday Nov. 6, Ball State University with much fanfare introduced its new logo, “We Fly”. This new slogan raises many interesting questions: What is the value of a tagline? What was wrong with our "Education Redefined” tagline?  

Lifestyle 11/27/2017, 9:00am

Adult-ish: A Nashville Thanksgiving

 We found ourselves nestled into a Super 8 on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee next door to an all night jazz club that wasn’t going to stop playing music until 3 in the morning. This wasn’t how my mom and I expected to be spending Thanksgiving break together, but we were thankful for a place to sleep and time to spend together.  

Lifestyle 11/20/2017, 3:00pm

Demi's Diems: Being thankful is at the root of all love

A turkey roasts in the oven while rolls cook to a golden brown below it. The house is warm from all the baking going on, and a sugar cookie candle burns on the corner table. I help myself to some finger foods -- a cheese cube and salami platter -- while grandma cooks the green beans on the stove across from me.

Lifestyle 11/15/2017, 10:00am

Musings from Moorman: I found love in the church

“God does not love you, God is madly in love with you.” These were the simple words that Father Anthony, a visiting priest, spoke to the congregation. He spoke of the sacrifice, of the suffering, that Christ endured for us, each and every one of us, each and every member of humanity. 

Lifestyle 11/2/2017, 12:00pm

Adult-ish: Why immersive? Why not?

I have taken three immersive learning classes so far during my time at Ball State. This number includes the two classes that I am currently in. If you don’t know what an immersive learning class is, it is blank. 

Lifestyle 11/1/2017, 12:03pm

Baker's Dozen: America's Dark Horse Problem

Our nation is in trouble.  Wildfires have ravaged our lands in the hills of California. Hurricanes have come knocking at our shores. Our capitol spins like a top every day as the investigation to possible Russian collusion continues. But here’s something that may surprise you; none of these are our nation’s most pressing issue. 

Lifestyle 10/25/2017, 9:00am

Cafe con Leche: Let's not wear the sombrero for Halloween

I’m taking pictures of Homecoming on a Saturday morning, and I see these two grown women dressed up with a mustache and a sombrero.  They are walking with a group of girls, possibly between the ages of 8 and 9. These little girls are wearing sombreros too. 

Lifestyle 10/25/2017, 9:00am

Demi's Diems: The Glory Days

 The fence is 200 feet away, grass green and dirt a grayish brown from the rain that came down earlier. A man on a riding lawn mower does his work on the baseball field behind me. I’m sure he’s wondering what a girl is doing sitting in an empty dugout of a recreation softball field on a Monday afternoon.