Campus 11/15/2018, 4:10pm

Music & Memory raises over $1500 at annual fundraiser

Ball State University student organization Music & Memory held its annual ‘A Night to Remember’ fundraiser on Nov. 14th in Pruis Hall, raising a total of $1550 for the cause. Music & Memory is a student service group with the mission of bringing personalized music to nursing home residents, with an emphasis on dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. The team of volunteers uses an array of different multimedia devices, like headphones, iPods, mp3 players, speakers and any other way they can get music out to senior citizens suffering from cognitive disorders. The fundraising event Wednesday night offered a large portion of musical and variety acts including the Ball State University Singers, Flute Guild and Ladies Choice. The fundraising opportunities included a raffle and split-the-pot, and amassed enough money to sustain the group through the rest of the academic year.

Entertainment 10/2/2018, 8:00am

Industry veteran, Ball State professor Vanessa Ament speaks about her short film ‘ Amplified: A Conversation with Women in American Film Sound’

Amplified: A Conversation with Women in American Film Sound, was created through Ball State’s Virginia Ball Center for Creative Inquiry and crewed by a total of 14 Ball State students. The film celebrates the women who work in Hollywood’s sound departments. From Foley artists to sound editors, Amplified gives a platform to 30 different women working in the male dominated film industry, allowing them to tell their unique stories. 

Tech 4/28/2018, 5:24pm

Ball State students participate in 2018 AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon

Starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 20th and ending at 5 p.m. the next day, eight Ball State student competed in the annual AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon. The event had teams developing Internet of Things devices to improve certain professions. This year’s profession was first responders. 

Campus 4/25/2018, 10:24am

BSU hosts 3rd annual Cardinal Screenplay Festival

The Cardinal Screenplay Festival, now in its third year, is a celebration of the Department of English’s best scripts, written by students and performed by both students and faculty. The scripts are chosen from the screenwriting courses, in this case English 410 and 615. 

News 4/15/2018, 1:24pm

Ball State hosts Xenharmonic New Music Showcase

The Xenharmonic New Music Showcase 2018 features composers from all around Indiana, as well as from Denver, Colorado and Boston, Massachusetts. BSU graduate student Stephen Weigel will be performing as well, and was able to answer a few questions for us.  

Campus 3/14/2018, 5:44pm

Photos from the Ball State Walkout to end gun violence

This morning at 9:45 a.m., members of the Muncie community gathered on Ball State’s University Green to remember and honor the lives of the 17 people killed in Parkland Florida one month ago today. Participants came clad in orange, carrying signs and ready to make their voices heard.