Whether you’re Michael Jordan, Justin Beiber or even former President George W. Bush, no one is exempt from a nomination for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. For the past few weeks, it has overtaken our Instagram and Facebook pages. Most videos are the same: they thank the person who nominated he or she, challenge a few others and finally, get dowsed by a bucket of ice water.

When I received two nominations in the same day, I started to question the whole craze. I couldn’t have told you what ALS stands for and I really didn’t understand why dumping a bucket of water on myself brought any awareness to the disease.

Before my 24 hours were up, I looked into the meaning behind the challenge. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. As the disease takes over the body, motor neurons die, and the brain can no longer control muscles. Total paralysis is certain, and generally occurs within 2-5 years of diagnosis.

The challenge benefits the ALS Association, which helps provide care services to people with ALS and their families. Their global research program focuses on the discovery of treatments and eventually a cure for the disease.

When I took the challenge, I dedicated my experience and donation to an old friend whose father died two years ago after four years of fighting.

Ball State alumni Matthew Amaro has a unique perspective on the Ice Bucket Challenge. Two years ago, his brother, Robert, died of ALS at 49 years old. He went to the doctor after falling numerous times due to muscle failure and was diagnosed in February 2012.

Robert became dependent on an electronic wheelchair and his 24-hour nurse four months later. Because there is no cure for ALS and very little treatment. Robert died September of the same year after going into cardiac arrest.

After watching one of his role models lose his freedom and life to ALS, Matthew sees the ice bucket challenge as a positive trend.

“People are actually hearing and talking about it…I would talk to people about my brother dying from ALS and more often than not had to explain what it was,” Matthew says.

To watch Schumacher take the plunge, click to check out the video on BallBearingsMag.com