Tonight: Tonight will be partly cloudy with a low of 27 degrees and winds of 20 mph from the northwest and gusts up to 30 mph.

Tomorrow: Tomorrow will start off cool and sunny around 28 degrees, warming up throughout the day into the mid 40s with a SW wind of 15 mph with clouds starting to appear. As we get later into the day it continues to become warmer around the mid 50s with winds from the SSW around 15 mph and gusts up to 30 mph, ending your day with mostly cloudy conditions.

7-day: The 7-day will be partly cloudy throughout the week with rain appearing on Sunday with a 70 percent chance with the chances of rain disappearing for the rest of the week. The highs will range from the mid 50s to the low 50s. With a shocking high of 35 on Thursday. The lows will go up and down throughout the week being in the range of high 30s to the low 30s going through out the week.

-- Weather Forecaster Caleb Beer
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