In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ball State's Dining Services released a reopening plan which includes steps like promoting physical distancing, making all meals available as a to-go option and regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
Dining Services will align itself with guidance from the National Association of College & University Food Services Organization, government agencies, state and local health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In-person dining
The plan states in-person dining areas will be spaced appropriately to allow people to maintain physical distancing. Indoor diners will be limited in accordance with state and local capacity guidelines and outdoor dining areas will be prioritized where feasible.
Food services
All meals will be available as to-go options in take-out containers with individually wrapped utensils, it states.
Self-service of food and beverages for things like salad bars, buffets and condiments stations will be restricted and and the use of reusable mugs and tumblers for beverages will be temporarily suspended. Reusable kitchen items like china plates, flatware and cups will be replaces with a single-use option.
Additionally, food service hours will be extended throughout the day to reduce crowding as much as possible.
Other practices
Apart from regularly cleaning and disinfecting places, the plan states hand sanitizers will be made available at all units.
Floor decals will be installed at various locations to designate where to order, wait and pick up food and beverages in order to accommodate physical distancing. Entrances and exits will also be marked to accommodate physical distancing. Signage will be placed on how to stop the spread of COVID-19 and promoting everyday protection measures.
Dining Services will ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, the plan states.
Touchless payment options will be used as much as possible. Physical barriers like sneeze guards and partitions, will be placed at cash registers or other food pickup areas where maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet is difficult.
Employee guidelines
All Dining Services employees working in campus dining locations will be required to wear face masks and frequent handwashing, physical distancing and the use of face coverings will be enforced for all employees.
Employees will also be required to complete a health assessment self-certification prior to returning to work on Ball State's campus.
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